A - Z Index
- Pakistan
- Palace of Versailles
- Palestinian territories
- Panama Papers
- Pandora Papers
- Paphos
- Paradise Papers
- Passau
- Pasternak, Ben
- Peck, Raoul
- Pelicot trial
- Pentagon
- People's Republic of China
- Peru
- Peshmerga
- Petersen, Wolfgang
- Petry, Frauke
- Philippe
- Philippines
- Photography
- Picasso, Pablo
- Pink Floyd
- Piracy
- Pirate Party
- PiS (Law and Justice)
- Pistorius, Boris
- Pistorius, Oscar
- Pitt, Brad
- Plastic pollution
- Playboy
- Plurinational State of Bolivia
- Poland
- Polanski, Roman
- Polio
- Political asylum
- Polke, Sigmar
- Pollution
- Pop music
- Pope Benedict XVI
- Pope Francis
- Porsche
- Portman, Natalie
- Portugal
- Potente, Franka
- Potter, Harry
- Poverty in Germany
- Prague
- Pregnancy
- Presley, Elvis
- Press freedom
- Prince (musician)
- Pristina
- Prix Goncourt
- Psychology
- Puigdemont, Carles
- Pussy Riot
- Putin, Vladimir